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Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Theoretical The objective of the US wellbeing office is to ensure the government assistance all things considered. It likewise targets impro...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Theoretical The objective of the US wellbeing office is to ensure the government assistance all things considered. It likewise targets improving their security. To accomplish these honorable concerns, the division has utilized individuals from different social backgrounds.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More While this procedure has the upside of giving a chance to the office to pick up from various information bases and abilities to help in accomplishing its key points and destinations, social assorted variety makes assortment contradictions, which can frustrate the office from picking up from the benefits of utilizing socially differing representatives. This paper recognizes social assorted variety questions as a noteworthy issue that warrants request at the branch of wellbeing. It holds that while the department’s pioneers may have the alternative of relieving such conflicts by decreasing the assorted variety piece of the office, conforming to the worries of the personal satisfaction and social equity renders such a choice unseemly. The paper proposes the presentation of strategies for assorted variety compromise, the production of contention moderation and goals boards of trustees, and guaranteeing that the office changes through the appropriation of transformational administration style. The arrangements are relied upon to battle social decent variety issues at the US division of wellbeing. Subsequent to examining the issue of assorted variety the executives, the paper chooses transformational authority, with a specific accentuation on the correspondence viewpoint, as the best answer for the issue. Presentation The US wellbeing division utilizes individuals from differing foundations. This enlistment methodology opens it to the basic test of dealing with its workforce assorted variety. In this paper, the term decent variety a lludes to the inconsistencies that are seen in people who work in any affiliation. Such contrasts may include boundaries, for example, their sex, race, network esteems, age, sexual alliance, pay levels, work understanding, parental status, strict convictions, ethnicity, religion, and physical capacities among others (Pitts, 2006). Workforce assorted variety the executives envelops the improvement of an empowering and strong condition for all individuals, paying little mind to their social decent variety contrasts, to guarantee that they can ideally add to the accomplishment of US wellbeing ministry.Advertising Looking for research paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since the objective of decent variety the executives is to adjust all representatives to the department’s vision and targets, combination of authority is basic in decreasing its pessimistic effects on the ministry’s pe rformance. Leadership is basic in all associations that utilization individuals to accomplish their objectives, crucial, and goals. It includes affecting others to encourage the accomplishment of a given objective. Pioneers plan, sort out, direct, and steer others towards the achievement of basic shared destinations and objectives. Authority happens through the connection of three essential settings, to be specific pioneers, adherents, and the circumstance that prompts the sending of initiative abilities. Pioneers need to have characteristics, for example, the capacity to listen adequately to other people, the limit and eagerness to talk in a legit and kind way, the capacity to be agreeable, and the ability to settle on very much idea out choices. Since listening establishes a key component of correspondence, this paper considers the issue of correspondence a significant transformational authority viewpoint that is fundamental for settling social decent variety issues inside the U S wellbeing segment. The Problem of Cultural Diversity Management As associations differentiate, the methodologies they convey to address workforce the executives issues are basic in affecting their presentation in the serious commercial center. As indicated by Pitts (2006), academicians and hierarchical pioneers have imparted the centrality of overseeing authoritative decent variety to ensure accomplishment as well as energize a culture of development and imagination. Grasping decent variety implies that pioneers need to control their associations as heterogeneous, instead of homogenous entities. A homogenous association is a non-enhanced foundation while a heterogeneous one involves a collection of laborers. Numerous American wellbeing organizations are heterogeneous since they utilize individuals of changing foundations regarding race, age, physical capacities, and land locales, among others. As indicated by administration researchers, for example, Pitts (2006), powerful admini stration of workforce assorted variety can improve workforce efficiency, improve workforce commitment, cultivate staff non-appearance, as well as increment workforce turnover by around five folds. The American service of wellbeing underscores the need to improve worker execution in an offer to build the quality and speed of administration conveyance. Subsequently, dealing with its decent variety is basic for its constant achievement. An expanding number of insightful investigations uncover an immediate connection between's worker participation and occupation execution. Another positive relationship is apparent between workers’ commitment and the view of being significant assets of an association through the energy about their diversity.Advertising We will compose a custom exploration paper test on Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, McMillan-Capehart (2006) says that authoritative pioneers who neglec t to comprehend that ladies and minority representatives are important assets for making progress experience diminished profitability. This case construes that blunder of workforce decent variety converts into expanding the wellbeing agencies’ activities costs. In this specific circumstance, associations that don't bolster decent variety in their work environments are probably going to dive into costly claims or potentially out-of-court settlements for cases, for example, generalizing, separation, and provocation that outcome from poor administration of different socially various ability apparatuses. Such associations are vulnerable to costs that identify with representative substitution and preparing (McMillan-Capehart, 2006). In a circumstance where a work environment has numerous specialists from different societies or a greater level of females, it turns into an issue, particularly when the heads need to determine the variations among representatives without making unjust ifiable erosion in the day worker relations. In this specific situation, overseeing workforce decent variety gets essential (McMillan-Capehart, 2006). The improvement of social decent variety the executives information by today’s initiative experts is basic, taking into account that a considerable lot of the issues that individuals experience in the workplace don't speedy any resistance to the distinctions that portray various specialists. Such issues must be tended to utilizing viable methodologies for driving assorted workers. Huge numbers of the issues that cause grating in the work environment are for the most part ascribed to the perspectives of minimized and the standard workforce differences. This rubbing is ordinarily more awful in an association whose work power basically originates from a typical ethnic gathering or race. The most squeezing impasse gives that relate to workforce decent variety are related with ladies abuse in the work environment (Ollapally Bhatnaga r, 2009). In this specific situation, the idea of workforce decent variety the executives is essential. Henceforth, today’s authoritative pioneers need to receive the idea. Race and sex decide the methodologies that pioneers set up to deal with differing representatives. Where a minority bunch views itself as progressively mistreated or separated, it is obvious that it might consider making strides that are undesirable to the presentation of an association. This circumstance is maybe apparent in numerous wellbeing offices since numerous minority bunches know about their privileges. They recognize the presence of exacting hierarchical sets of accepted rules and guidelines that have been defined to oversee practices inside the US service of health.Advertising Searching for research paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More In this specific circumstance, the ownership of authority information about driving different workers is basic in guaranteeing that pioneers accomplish their activity orders. From this measurement, driving a broadened work power has a main commitment as far as supporting individuals who work inside the US wellbeing division to interface with each other trying to facilitate the department’s objectives and additionally make positive changes inside the corporate network. The wellbeing segment’s authority has a proactive task to carry out in guaranteeing appropriate control and observing of social decent variety to maintain a strategic distance from irreconcilable situations among the minority and larger part gatherings of laborers. Pioneers can't lead this respectable errand on the off chance that they are not completely discerning of the significance and significance of overseeing social decent varieties in the wellbeing service. How might they understand this fantasy? Th e following segment talks about the different elective arrangements that the wellbeing service pioneers can convey to lead their various representatives successfully to guarantee that the division achieves its objective and destinations of conveying quality and fast administrations to all individuals. Elective Solutions The Creation of a Conflict Mitigation and Resolution Committee Clashes rise in all associations, including the wellbeing segment. In spite of the fact that it is critical to limit the negative social assorted variety clashes, it is important to empower positive clashes. Associations, people, and even work groups require productive clashes for them to develop. By taking part in restricting conversations, espec
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Brass free essay sample
CSO Brass Concert Review On December 9, 2007, I went to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Brass show at Symphony Center in downtown Chicago. The CSO metal instrumentation was as per the following: six trumpets, six French horns, seven trombones, two tubas, and three percussionists. The vast dominant part of the metal was from the CSO, however a couple of players were from the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, for example, the subsequent tuba, to help with the instrumentation. The primary piece I will study is Round Dance of the Golden Calf from Faust, composed by Charles Gounod and including a tuba solo played by Gene Pokorny. The piece started rather vigorously, with a snappy beat and a staccato trumpet part. This was supplemented by the horns who appeared to hold an amicability as opposed to the trumpets. The trombones were set out of sight, playing mf, with an all the more legato and melodious part. The vibe and rhythm suddenly delayed with the horn and trumpet elements in a decrescendo and the trombones taking action accordingly. With this, Pokorny enters with his expressive performance, exceptionally legato and with feeling, apparently attempting to seem like somebody singing. The tuba plays alone for various measures before the trumpets rejoin at a piano unique, supplementing the solo with a marginally quicker and all the more staccato, practically percussive part. With this the tuba holds a last note in what has all the earmarks of being the peak of the piece, before unexpectedly finishing with a couple of last notes from both the upper and lower metal. I truly delighted in the piece and the manner by which the gathering had the option to make it intriguing to tune in to paying little heed to what was being played. My preferred part by a long shot was the solo by Pokorny. I was stunned at how he appeared to make each note he played fascinating, leaving the crowd and I specifically needing to hear more. The following piece is Fanfare from the Incidental Music to The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, composed by Claude Debussy. The piece started with a peppy beat, with a tune in the upper metal, kind of what one may see as the authoritative kind of metal pomp. This was immediately added to by the trombones, coming in extremely solid and the French horns at that point adding to the fight. The exhibit proceeded all through, principally held by the trumpets and periodically moving into a portion of the lower metal instruments. The elements extended generally from mf to fff, with a lot of vitality and a never easing back rhythm. The piece was genuinely short and controlled through right unto its end. I truly appreciated tuning in to this piece as it truly demonstrated the intensity of the CSO Brass area and was energetic and vivacious. I likewise preferred the way that it was genuinely short and that there was a constant flood of excitement in the piece, from the asking right to its finish. The third and last piece I will study is Pictures at an Exhibition, composed by Modest Mussorgsky and masterminded metal by Elgar Howarth. The piece starts with the promenade, a reoccurring subject seen all through the piece. It is fascinating the route with regards to which it was organized metal and the capacity of the CSO joined to make the promenade sound almost as though a full symphony was playing it. The subject is from the outset conveyed in the trombones and French horns before moving to the trumpets. This first area is genuinely concise yet melodic before moving to the primary picture. This area has a genuinely puzzling feel to it, practically frightening, with a distinct minor sound, utilizing the low metal, fundamentally the trombones to convey the segment. From here it comes back to the promenade, however this time with a marginally progressively secretive tone. The beat stays moderate, with the general dynamic being a piano, with the horns and trumpets utilizing quiets to viably bring over the planned sound. The following segment is a moderate, legato tune held in the trumpets, following the past promenade. From here it returns by and by to the promenade, starting with a solitary performance trumpet, immediately joined by the tubas with a magnificent part to oblige the tune, played what I would consider to be ff. This is trailed by a few less discernable areas that were melodious before by and by coming back to the promenade. This time it was more inconspicuous with indeed a piano powerful before being joined by the lofty sounding tuba part, later joined by the trombones. The following area is extremely cheery, with an inconceivable demonstration of musicianship by the trumpets who appear to have what is regularly the flute influence. This part had a speedy rhythm and was a much needed development. The accompanying segment was a piece increasingly slow unique brought down, however this was immediately trailed by a by and by brisk rhythm and incred ible horn part, with the horns rapidly working their way down scales. After this it went into a discouraging state of mind, with a distinct minor key and extremely pitiful and progressively delicate part composed into the French horns. This was before long followed continuously to last segment, with an exceptionally energetic musicality and distinct crescendo all through the area. The best piece of this was the trombone part, which through the entirety of the confusion had a ground-breaking and stunning segment in which they would step by step work their way down with a bold tone that slice through the remainder of the music. With the finish of this came The Great Gate of Kiev, with an amazing and grand metal demonstration of power as everybody, particularly the tubas, tore through the moderate and melodic part with power and expanding elements, impelled on by the timpani, at long last carrying the piece to and end. By and large, this was my preferred bit of the night, as it feature d about each point and capacity of the metal instruments, with a few, the trumpets specifically, playing parts which I could scarcely accept conceivable. In light of this it was unquestionably the piece that I delighted in the most. My experience going to see the CSO Brass was a positive one, which I discovered very rousing. I delighted in everything that they played and would return to see them whenever they hold a show, particularly to see them act in a full ensemble setting. Generally speaking, it merited the excursion and I making the most of my time their, particularly observing what probably the best metal players anyplace are prepared to do.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Quick EA Update
Quick EA Update ***UPDATE*** If youre taking the SAT on the makeup date of 11/17, we should know this. Please fill out this form, so we can add a note to your file. Thanks! ***** Happy Halloween! Today is October 31, the day before the November 1 Early Action Deadline. Here are some brief updates. Sandy: If you have been affected by the storm, for example with power outages or school closings, know that we will be flexible about receiving your materials past the November 1 Early Action deadline. The same goes for materials submitted by your teachers, counselor, and interviewer. Do not worry, we are not shutting down the application on November 1. We will wait for your materials. We are not going to be mean to storm victims! Tracking: Please be patient with the MyMIT Tracking. We are currently processing thousands upon thousands of documents, including mailed, faxed, and electronic documents. Do not call or email looking for missing documents until we post a blog entry saying that we have processed all materials. It may take us up to two more weeks for your materials to show up on the tracking system (even for electronic documents). I say again: please be patient. MyMIT Downtime: MyMIT is down the morning of October 31. We apologize for the inconvenience. Application (including word count): If you have validated and previewed your application PDF, this is exactly how the admissions committee will see it. Recommendations: It is okay if your teacher or counselor does not include the MIT cover sheet with their letter. We prefer to receive it, but letters without it are at no disadvantage. We will accept your schools own forms, the NACAC forms, or the Common App forms. If your school sends its documents electronically via Naviance/Docufide, the MIT cover sheet would need to be scanned in and then submitted; there is no electronic version of this form. If you have a recommendation from someone who is not teaching at a school with official letterhead, dont worry; they can just submit a letter on plain paper. Interview: If you have already interviewed with your EC, or have scheduled your interview for the near future, you are all set. Do not worry if your interview report has not yet appeared on your MyMIT Tracking; the deadline for ECs to submit their reports has not yet arrived. If you wish, you may now fill out the conducted interview form and we will be sure to get the interview report. Midyear Report: I know that the Midyear Report box is sitting there, unchecked. Dont worry about this unless you are admitted, or deferred from EA to RA. This form will not be made available until well after EA decisions are released. Decisions: The admissions officers will be reading these applications all of November into December. We have not yet determined on what date we will release EA decisions. It will likely be sometime in mid-December, but you should wait for an official announcement from our office. We have not yet determined when the announcement will be made; it usually is about a week before decisions are released.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Labor Abuse in China Essay - 1509 Words
Labor Abuse in China â€Å"Inside the factory, amid clattering machinery and clouds of sawdust, men without earplugs or protective goggles feed wood into screaming electric saws, making cabinets for stereo speakers†(Goodman and Pan 1). In the article Chinese Workers Pay for Wal-Mart’s Low Prices by Peter Goodman and Philip Pan the mistreatment of the migrant workers in China is evident. These kinds of behaviors are taking place all over in China. The abuse of the Chinese work force has reached terrible proportions and created unlawful conditions because of the demanding economy of China, and other countries’ needs of the goods; however, the companies that are centered in China are working to make sure their workers are treated fairly.†¦show more content†¦Although this sometimes isn’t the factories fault because most of the workers are uninsured so they are denied medical and social services (â€Å"China: Beijing’s Migrant 1†). Most of the factories do try to pay their workers by hour at about twenty cents per hour, but some only pay them once a year (Goldman 1). This however is breaking the rule of Labor Law fifty in China, which states that workers must be paid on a monthly basis. The average wage per month is only about sixty-five dollars which isn’t a sufficient amount of money to support an average family (â€Å"China: Beijing’s Migrant 1†). These people try to work overtime to earn more money, but often times they are forced to do this regardless (Goldman 2). Chinese workers often work in fear, because they have to ask permission to leave even after their shifts are done and to even go to the bathroom (Goldman 1). The Chinese workforce is starting to realize these problems and they won’t stand for it. Many people are not putting up with the selfless acts of the government and are acting out against them. Mistreated workers are acting out against the government by throwing riots or going on strike against certain companies (Goldman 2). The government has tried to contain these acts, but not in the right ways (Weil 2). One such instant was when police in Zhengzhou hired approximately five hundred thugs and dressed them as the angryShow MoreRelatedChinas Factories and Sweatshop 1125 Words  | 4 PagesChina Sweatshop When you go shopping to Walmart or Apple ask yourself where your product is coming from. China has numerous sweatshop factories assembling USAs products from stores as Apple and Walmart. China’s Sweatshop tends to violate human labor’s rights by forcing overtime and going under the mandatory minimum wage and other violations as long hour without pay, sexual, and physical harassment. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
U.s. Space Program Research - 1056 Words
U.S. Space Program Research Paper By: Joseph Cooney Romal Ebadi The U.S. Space Program funding has been cut drastically, and their mission to mars has slowed dramatically. The Space Program is needed in the community, and in the world because it helps reunite each other. Like the mission to the moon took the people s minds off of the buildup of nuclear weapons (Cold War). The program getting cut would be a major let down for the American people, because a major thing that had united the country during a scary time during not only America s history, and the history of the World . Another thing is that the only real issue with keeping the U.S. Space Program would be that it costs billions of dollars just to keep it running. It would†¦show more content†¦Supporters would also say that the â€Å"Space Race†held the U.S. and Russia at bay at this time of immense tension. Between the years of 2012 and 2013, the Space Program has lost billions of dollars of funding. In the year of 2014, it slowly began to make a comeback from its financ ial loss in the years of 2012 and 2013. NASA’s new budget has caused one of their programs called â€Å"Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy â€Å"SOFIA†funding to be cut. Without a new source of funding that is at least $85 million a year, it would force them to postpone their project which is the largest airborne observatory which can observe things even better than the largest of the telescopes that are planted on earth. Cutting NASA’s education programs is considered by many people to be counterproductive. Currently there is a need for many scientists, and a need for many engineers. To cut these education programs would be a waste of money, and would not be helping the issue of getting the scientists, and the engineers that people need. To be forced to stop the progress that the people have made to get to the point that they are at, in this point in time would be saying that all the work in which the people have done was a huge waste of time. Which it is the exact opposite. NASA has given the world many different technologies that people would not have had if they were not there. A few examples could be LEDs, artificial limbs, and water purification. If
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Tatay Free Essays
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ARVE V. ABARIENTOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. We will write a custom essay sample on Tatay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEVEVRIEL R. AMANTE was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that PHILIP L. BAUGBOG was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that FREDERICK JOHN B. BRILA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ELYMAR M. CABALLAS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEFFBECK D. CALILAP was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that NOE C. CECILIO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOHN BRYAN T. COLICO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ELWIN DAVE P. CUADRA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that IVAN LEXTER P. DELA CRUZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that RODEL T. FELIZMENA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that EMERSON V. GUTIERREZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MICO B. INGAT was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEFFREY M. MEDINA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JAMES ALELIO L. MENDOZA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that DAIMIEL ALEXANDER E. PASION was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that FRANCIS B. RAMOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MARIEL DC. ABLAZA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that LOVELY S. ANA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that TRISHIA MAE A. ARROYO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that KRISTINE MAE E. BALDEO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ANGELICA G. BALINGIT was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MARY CRIS D. BARALLA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JESSELLE Q. BATO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that REGILYN R. BORNALES was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that CAMILLE G. CABULOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MYLENE H. COPIA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ANNE LA RENCH C. CRUZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that DIANA CHARISSE B. DASIG was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JACQUILYN G. GEQUILLANA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MERIAM L. HOYOA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JERRIE MAY V. ILAGA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that RODILYN M. LEONA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOVELYN E. MONILLA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ALDREA MARGARITA D. PAULAR was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that LORENA J. RAMOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that SALVE REGINA S. SABADO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOAN M. SILVA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JULLIE ANNE V. SILVA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that CRISTALYN MAE R. TORRES was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JERALDINE O. VELASCO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ROSSANA MARIE B. ZAPATA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal How to cite Tatay, Papers Tatay Free Essays Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ARVE V. ABARIENTOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. We will write a custom essay sample on Tatay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEVEVRIEL R. AMANTE was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that PHILIP L. BAUGBOG was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that FREDERICK JOHN B. BRILA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ELYMAR M. CABALLAS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEFFBECK D. CALILAP was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that NOE C. CECILIO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOHN BRYAN T. COLICO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ELWIN DAVE P. CUADRA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that IVAN LEXTER P. DELA CRUZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that RODEL T. FELIZMENA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that EMERSON V. GUTIERREZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MICO B. INGAT was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JEFFREY M. MEDINA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JAMES ALELIO L. MENDOZA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that DAIMIEL ALEXANDER E. PASION was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that FRANCIS B. RAMOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MARIEL DC. ABLAZA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that LOVELY S. ANA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that TRISHIA MAE A. ARROYO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. He observed good moral conduct during his stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with his application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that KRISTINE MAE E. BALDEO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ANGELICA G. BALINGIT was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MARY CRIS D. BARALLA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JESSELLE Q. BATO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that REGILYN R. BORNALES was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that CAMILLE G. CABULOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MYLENE H. COPIA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ANNE LA RENCH C. CRUZ was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that DIANA CHARISSE B. DASIG was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JACQUILYN G. GEQUILLANA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that MERIAM L. HOYOA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JERRIE MAY V. ILAGA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that RODILYN M. LEONA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOVELYN E. MONILLA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ALDREA MARGARITA D. PAULAR was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that LORENA J. RAMOS was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that SALVE REGINA S. SABADO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JOAN M. SILVA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JULLIE ANNE V. SILVA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that CRISTALYN MAE R. TORRES was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that JERALDINE O. VELASCO was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Division of City Schools ISMAEL MATHAY SR. HIGH SCHOOL Branches Extension, GSIS Village, Sangandaan, Quezon City CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify that ROSSANA MARIE B. ZAPATA was a bonafide student of this school, for the School Year 2012 – 2013. Records of this office show that the above named student was not involved in any incident in violation to our school rules and regulations. She observed good moral conduct during her stay in this school. This certification is hereby issued in connection with her application for enrolment. Given this 20th day of March, 2013. LYDIA SOLIVA-RAMOS Principal IV Not valid without school seal How to cite Tatay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Girls State Essay free essay sample
My attendance would drastically assist me in all of my future endeavors. It would provide me with an opportunity to join the over 30,000 girls who have already benefited from the citizenship, leadership, and patriotism training. This nationally recognized program would help me academically excel above others. Besides looking great in general on my college application, it could provide me with a chance to receive scholarships. After high school, I currently plan to continue my education at either West Liberty University or Ohio University. I want to take a dual major of biology and chemistry; these majors are important because I want to be Pre-Medicine. Along with a rigorous curriculum, I hope to play collegiate softball. After college, I will again further my education by going to a school of medicine in order to become an orthopedic surgeon. When I apply for admittance into these schools, they will take into account programs such as Girls State causing them to perceive me as a better choice than those who did not attend such programs. We will write a custom essay sample on Girls State Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since I will soon be of voting age, I am interested in acquiring a better understanding and deeper regard for my nation’s legacy of freedom and democracy. Running for offices, registering to vote, and delivering speeches will give me first-hand experience for the real world. My nation’s history is unique and the founding fathers of America would be proud to see youth learning about the government they created.
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